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Top Five Healthy and Nutritious Diets for Your Heart Care

 Although you may find that eating certain foods increases your risk of heart disease, changing your eating habits is often difficult. Whether it’s an unhealthy one-year diet or a right diet, here are eight heart-healthy recipes. Once you know which foods are the most and to what extent, you can proceed with a heart-healthy diet.

Five Healthy and Nutritious Diets for Your Heart Care

What is a rich diet?

Heart disease is the main killer of men and women. Being diagnosed with heart disease may also cause emotional damage to your mood, appearance and quality of life. Although weight control and regular exercise are important for keeping your heart healthy, the food you eat is very different. In fact, heart-friendly diets and other healthy lifestyle choices can reduce your risk of heart disease or stroke by up to 70%.

No food can magically make you healthy, so the overall diet is more important than specific foods. Foods that are good for heart health are not made from fried, processed foods, packaged foods, and addictive snacks, but from land, sea, or the area surrounding fresh "natural" natural foods.

1. Vegetarian

Vegetarians are eating samples that eliminate all meat, including meat, red meat and fish. Although some vegetarians include other animal products such as eggs and milk, vegetarians strictly avoid all animal-derived ingredients, including milk, eggs, bee pollen, honey and gelatin. Instead, the diet focuses on fruits, vegetables, legumes, lentils, soy products, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and plant-based oils.

Due to the high plant content, vegetarian food and vegetarian food have many health benefits. For example, these foods usually contain a lot of fiber, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances, all of which contribute to heart health.

Several other studies have found that vegetarian and vegan food can improve risk factors for heart disease, including high cholesterol and blood pressure, overweight and obesity, and irregular blood sugar levels.

2. Flax seed

In addition to soluble and insoluble fiber, ground flax seed also contains omega-3. It is a highly available source of lignin, which has estrogenic and antioxidant properties. Flaxseed meal is easy to add to your diet, and it can also be added to anything you usually eat. Add it to a smoothie of breakfast lentils, low-fat yogurt, and muffins.

Linseed oil contains omega-3s, but they are less effective and are called LA (α-linolenic acid). Special enzymes are needed to convert ALA into omega-3, and the supply of these enzymes in your body is limited. This means that you will increasingly want to convert about 15 types of Omega 3 flax seed into their most useful form. Therefore, although you do have some benefits, it may not have your accessory tag.

3. Automatic mileage

Oatmeal is a delicious snack and another good source of omega-3 fatty acids. It is a fiber superstar, weighing 4 grams per cup. It also contains nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and iron.

Oatmeal is a great snack, you can add fresh berries to a healthy meal, plus a little oatmeal. Try mixing greasy oatmeal cookies, oatmeal bread or oatmeal mixed with Turkish bread crumbs.

4. Salmon

This sea fish is an excellent choice rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Dr. Rachel Johnson, a professor at the University of Vermont, said: "Omega-3s have anticoagulant effects, so they can maintain blood circulation." They help reduce triglycerides (a fat that can cause heart disease). ).

The American Heart Association pointed out that the goal of eating at least two servings of oily fish a week should be reached. One serving is 3.5 ounces. It is slightly larger than a computer mouse.

5. Crazy

These include almonds, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts and macadamia nuts, all of which contain fiber in your heart. They also contain vitamin E, which helps lower bad cholesterol. Others are rich in omega-3 fatty acids like walnuts, including alpha-linolenic acid or ALA, which are related to anti-inflammatory and improving blood circulation. Graf said: "In the past, some people avoided nuts because of their high fat content, but most studies have shown that people who eat nuts every day are thinner than those who don't eat nuts." Graf said, "Graf said . And thin people are less likely to suffer from heart disease. Find varieties with low salt content."

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